About the Artist

Colin McGuire currently lives in Marblehead, MA. He serves as Art Department Chair at the Academy at Penguin Hall in Wenham, MA. Colin grew up on Cape Cod and has been a long-time exhibiting artist of the area. McGuire received his BFA from Montserrat College of Art and his MFA from Lesley University College of Art and Design.

McGuire has taught plein-air painting workshops from Cape Cod to Vieques, Puerto Rico, and has recently spent time in Arles, France on a painting trip. He is represented by McGuire Gallery in Provincetown, MA, Harmon Gallery in Wellfleet, MA, and Gallery Galleon in Vieques, Puerto Rico. His studio is located in the historic district of Marblehead, MA.

His latest seascapes search for the harmony found in nature. A life by the coast has come to the surface in recent works, combining the expressive qualities of palette knife painting with a delicate sensibility to the sensations of light and atmosphere.